Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Comics tests 1-3

Presented here from most current to first. So far, I have three of them. I have two more ideas ready to work on soon, and then I'll have more yet! Right now, I'm focused on experimenting with different ways of presenting actual 3D comics, not flat comics. You can't appreciate the work without clicking Play.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Paint 3D tests

From Dec. 2020 to now, ideas have been floating in my head. The most current realization is my diorama test; they are all presented here in descending order. I'm now beginning to see more concrete possibilities. Stay tuned for upcoming stories! I've been posting these on YouTube and Twitter.




što ćeš sad

kad ništa nemaš?

Monday, May 24, 2021

hrvatski nešto

Uvijek sam u istom mjestu

što želim ja ne znam, ali

jednog dana hoću stajati gore svima

u jednoj planini u kojem mjestu ću sve promatrati

Neću odgovoriti

Neću kontrolirati

Neću savjetovati