Sunday, March 5, 2017

22 slike bojanjem prstima + adaptacija "Ivica i Marica" u hrvatski i na engleskome (prevod) / 22 fingerpaintings + adaptation of "Hansel and Gretel" in Croatian and Eng. (trans.) (SWAY)

Hvala Adamu za ispravljanje mog hrvatskog jezika za priču. Poslala sam video na YouTube s audiom u hrvatski + istim slikama i engleski prevod koji me pokaže u kostimu vještice. Ova Sway prezentacija (Microsoft Office) uključujući video + originalni tekst i prevod da možete istodobno čuti i čitati. 
Upozorenje: Ovaj projekt može plašiti djecu.

Thanks to Adam for correcting my Croatian in the story. I posted a video to YouTube with the audio in Croatian + the same pictures and the English translation which shows me in a witch's costume. This Sway presentation (Microsoft Office) includes the video + the original text and translation so you can listen and hear it at the same time.
Warning: This project could frighten children.

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