Bilo je oko zime 2017. / 2018. kad sam počela ih napisati. Istovremeno sam se vratila šetati i to mi je dalo puno nadahnuća. Nisam imala plan za pisanje, ali sam probala bez akcenta do pjesme 25. Vidim svoju bilježnicu i napisala sam "Writings from Zagreb" (Pisanja iz Zagreba) počeći s bilingvalnom pjesmom 30, a napisala sam na hrvatskome s akcentima počeći s brojom 31.
It was around winter 2017/2018 when I began to write them. At the same time I had returned to walking which gave me a lot of inspiration. I didn't have a plan for writing, but I tried without accents until poem 25. I see in my notebook that I wrote "Writings from Zagreb" (sic) starting with bilingual poem 30, and I wrote with Croatian accents beginning with number 31.
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