Thursday, February 2, 2017

Jer je sve jednako (ekphrasis za bilingvalne ljude)

VR, 02.02.2017.

Željela sam nešto reći,
ali nije došlo kao sam planirala
zato sam kreirala nešto drugo
i to nije vidjelo kao sam maštala
da sam probala nešto novo
pa to nije ništa blizu što sam željela!

A thousand words in the same kind of order
say nothing but one word in the right place
can make you question everything;
so if there's only truth or consquence,
whose word/s matter that much
that you break down or out?

Ako uđeš u ili izlažiš iz čega
to je bijeg od života
jer je sve jednako
da izgubiš strast i više
se ponašaš strože
da te ne poznajem.

Shadows chase the herd,
the herd becomes anonymous,
the anonymous fails to be creative,
the creative can't design,
the design is our routine:
indifference, intolerance – inept.

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